💛 Meet Alexandra 💙

Alexandra is 14 years old and in 8th grade. She has the best big brother, Jack, who is 16 years old and a junior in high school. Alex is an athlete and plays many sports to include basketball, baseball, soccer and golf, and she loves riding her bike to school. She tried out and made her middle school basketball team in seventh grade and learned so much while having a great inclusive experience. She has been fully included since preschool and loves school. Alex loves going on adventures and exploring the country with her family. She is just a fun loving, independent teenager with all the attitude and hormones that go along with that.

  • What does Down Syndrome Walk Arizona mean to you?

We have been going to this event since we moved here in 2010 when Alex was 1 years old. Through our generous friends and family we have raised well over $15,000 for the DSNetwork of Arizona. It is a huge event with a large turnout that helps raise awareness and acceptance for those with Down syndrome. It is always a fun day!

  • How has DSNetwork’s program and services directly supported your family and loved one with Down syndrome?

They have opportunities for such high quality training for both parents and self advocates. The support system and networking of parents involved in this organization is amazing.

  • What is your favorite part of the Walk?

Gathering a group of friends and family together to walk the parade route and seeing all the support from the community. Every year we always have Alex’s grandparents along and various friends throughout the years to even include her middle school principal and her family last year.




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