Charlotte is 10 years old and is the second youngest of 5 siblings. When Charlotte is not showing off her dancing and spinning skills, you can find her in the kitchen asking to bake treats or cook meals. When Charlotte grows up, she wants to be a cake baker and a veterinarian. Charlotte loves to care for our dog, Seger and our bunny, Baby.
- What does the Down Syndrome Walk Arizona mean to you?
A chance to show others how great our loved ones with Down Syndrome are.
- How has DSNetwork’s program and services directly supported your family and loved one with Down syndrome?
This is our first year walking with DSNETWORK and we are beyond thrilled to be involved! We are looking forward to utilizing the resources that are offered.
- What is your favorite part of the Walk?
We are looking forward to every single moment of the walk and we are honored to be a part of this wonderful life!
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