πŸ’™ Meet Milo πŸ’›

We are a family of four, Omar, Wendy, Bruno, and Milo, originally from Sonora, Mexico residing in Phoenix, Arizona, since 2019. We love to take our kids camping, hiking, and on bicycle rides. Milo is almost three years old (October 3th) and enjoys reading time, dancing, and playing with his older brother Bruno. He enjoys being around his family and friends. We love seeing Milo’s physical and personal development and are excited to walk this journey with him.

  • What does the Down Syndrome Walk Arizona mean to you?
It means community, support, and celebration. We walk as a family to celebrate our son Milo’s extra chromosome and the joy it has brought to our family.
  • How has DSNetwork’s program and services directly supported your family and loved one with Down syndrome?
DS Network’s program has supported our family by creating opportunities to connect with other parents. Their monthly events allow us to meet and learn from other families, share resources, and, most importantly, create awareness.
  • What is your favorite part of the Walk?
Our favorite part of the walk is to see parents, siblings, and family members coming out as one to create awareness, inclusion, and support for Down Syndrome. Many thanks for all the work you do!

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